Адміністрація, викладацький та студентський колективи ПФНЗ «Медичний коледж» висловлюють свою щиру повагу та слова подяки благодійному фонду Humanitarian and Solidarity Platform of Hérault за надання гуманітарної допомоги у вигляді навчального обладнання для відпрацювання та вдосконалення практичних навичок студентами нашого закладу.
Administration, teachers and students of the Medical College express their sincere respect and gratitude to the Humanitarian and Solidarity Platform of Hérault for providing humanitarian aid in the form of training equipment to help students of our institution practice and improve their practical skills.
Your help is an important contribution to the high-quality professional training of highly qualified medical personnel and extremely tangible support of our educational institution in such a difficult time for our country.
By providing this help for us, you are not just giving material values, but you give us hope that together we will overcome any adversity.
Thank you for your care and support and your sincere and sensitive hearts. We hope for further cooperation.
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